Thursday, April 26, 2012


I find this to be true! I used to be a devout TV watching type runner. (I mostly run indoors on my treadmill.) Then, after moving back into town, I decided outdoor running should be my thing. Ha, well I'm still indoors, but am working on getting out on the pavement soon. I bought myself a nice set of earphones and an armband for encouragement. I use it daily while running and have some fantastic Pandora stations on my iPhone to keep me going. (Totally club/hip hop beats to be exact - love my Taio & Flo Rida!!) If my phone were to kick it, I'm not sure my ability to push through the wall would sustain.

All hail the Apple products that keep us going!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Caveman It!

I found Marks Daily Apple a few years ago and have fluctuated off and on w/the primal/paleo way of living. It's not difficult in all actuallity, but the temptation of junk occasionally overwhelms my better judgement and just like that, I've fallen into the deep seas of processed uckiness. Now that I've made my mind up to start running again, I also want to start eating a more healty diet. In the course of scouring one of my favorite online stores (Athelta) for new work out gear, I came across some books. The Paleo Diet for Athletes arrived today and I'm beyond thrilled. A lot of people are still deadset on carb loading and whatnot, but I'm gluten intolerant so breads and pastas are a big no-no for me anymore. I'm hoping this book will really make a difference in the way I work out and eat - while keeping my body properly fueled for the *snicker* grueling workouts I might find myself doing.... Seriously, it's definitely exciting to have a guide to follow to make sure I'm taking the best care of myself. I'll update this post again after I've really had some time to give it a good read.

--->  <--- totally worth checking out!

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Thrill of the New

Today my new Adidas running shoes arrived! I'm super excited - now I can run to my little hearts content! And to be frank, they couldn't have come at a more perfect time....tomorrow I will finally get some much needed closure from a past relationship. And the best way to combat the flood of emotions is to put those kicks on and GO. What better cure for a battered heart than the strength of a good run? Well, besides a bottle of wine but this isn't a wine blog ;)

**I ordered from Zappos after much searching around - placed order late afternoon, received new Adidas today. So if you need new shoes ASAP I recommend this site! Free ship & free returns...can't beat it!**

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Just a little shot of inspiraton.....

Keeping Score

Welcome! I've tried my hand at multiple blog ideas...hasn't everyone? I've dabbled in the idea of a fitness blog off and on, even posted a few. I just couldn't really seem to find the inspiration necessary. Then I realized, this blog will be *my* inspiration to follow through with my workouts. I'm not a consistent runner, in fact at times, I'm pretty much a slacker. So perhaps by using this tool to keep track of my workouts and progress, I can also hold myself accountable. So this is my first post as once again I find myself embarking on the journey to good health. Score one for me!

My goals for this year are to jog/run three local 5K's. I have the local list calendar printed out and highlighted - there are plenty for me to choose from. I've already done a few in the past, so this isn't unchartered territory. I've started prepping to do the Couch to 5K plan - I find it's the best way to ease back into jogging. I've even got fresh new gear to get myself out the door.

I'll share links to goodies I find, keep myself accountable and hopefully inspire you to get out and run!